Viruses. What are they?
What are they?
Over the last few months I have seen an increasing number of people suffering from viral infections.
Some days the phone is ringing continually. The most common symptom is tiredness. Just good old common tired.
Most will blame life for this tiredness; work, the kids, the end of the year, the start of work again, etc.
Therefore they will be putting the blame for tiredness on things that are outside of the body, but in reality it is inside the body.
If you are feeling tired, run down and frustrated at your energy level, it will nearly always be because of something going wrong inside your body.
Not things from the outside.
They main reason we get the virus is not enough genuine rest. Most people are living too fast.
Stress of any type is a perfect invitation for a virus to breed in your body.
I am seeing two main type of virus.
One will make you sick. You will know you have a virus because of temperature, and flu like symptoms.
The other type of virus mainly affects the energy system of a body.
This is the main virus type I see everyday in great volume, and I have not seen any simple solution for it that I could recommend one do, so as to kill the virus.
There are many immune system boosters you can try,e.g. vit C, garlic etc.
But these don’t normally kill off these pesky virus that effect your energy.
So rest, eat well, and be positive in everything you do, because this can stop you from getting the virus in the first place.
Cheers Kevin
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